Top-10-AngularJS-Development-Tools-to-Build-Web-App - Internet Soft

Top 10 AngularJS Development Tools to Build Web Apps for 2024

In today’s dynamic business environment and its changing scenario with the arrival of the digital transformation trend, website creation has become a vital business activity. Any business with no matter of its size has to carry and maintain a professional website for the web existence in the world of digital and online business promotion.

In short, a business website is a global online identity for every business today.

A business website is easy to create with various technological platforms like Full stack Development, JAVA technology and other user friendly tools like wordpress etc.

With the ever rising popularity of JAVA technology for frontend and back end development tools to develop a website, AngularJS Development Tools are also becoming popular day by day in current time.

In this article, we will get familiar with 10 top Angular Development tools useful in fast Web Application development.

As a leading Software development company in California, Internet Soft provides a large number of skilled and experienced AngularJS Developers for the website development service across any business vertical. We believe in continuous upgradation and technological advancement in AngularJS Development to deliver the -best-of-the-breed solution to our customer in the long run.

What is AngularJS?

AngularJS is a frontend and open-source JavaScript framework. It offers the framework for model-view-controller (MVC) and model-view-modelview (MVVM) structural designs. It emphasizes making both the building and testing of applications easier.  Also, it renders the elements that are typically utilized in web applications with high reply. Angular is very much useful in creating dynamic web pages. AngularJS, developed by Google is the most preferred website development option today, due to its wide advantages.

As all of us know, writing code with scratch is a laborious task. AngularJS and its frameworks are available with many powerful tools that make an easy life  for developers to sum up their tasks fast and effectively.

There are a few features of AngularJS Development Tools, making them as top choice for website development as below:

    • Simple Architecture
    • Maximum support to HTML 5
    • Easy Syntaxes
Top-10-AngularJS-Development-Tools-to-Build-Web-App-Internet Soft

A range of tools are available in AngularJS to help out developers in creating reliable and quality online apps. Let’s get familiar with some top AngularJS tools helpful in creating web apps.

1) Protractor

The first tool is Protractor. It is a Node. js-based open-source framework. This allots simplicity for creating Angular.js web applications. WebDriverJS has an important role in allowing  frameworks. So,the framework provides a collaborative environment for web app development. It is automatic and allows the automatic implementation of the necessary phases on the basis of user interests.

2) AngularUI

The next tool is Angular UI. It has a set of user interface (UI) components used in AngularJS development,It does not contain IDE. We can complete the projects much faster with its support. There are a total of 26 modules in the suite. The coding gets done rapidly by using the raw instructions from these modules instead of widgets.

For example, use the UI Bootstrap module to consume the power of Bootstrap components in an AngularJS project. Also, modules like the sortable slider, uploader, grid, and Google maps function as mentioned by their names, are possible to add as various UI elements in the project.

3) Karma

Karma is a vital Javascript Test Runner. Karma is the easiest testing technology. No Product gets released without testing it on Karma. Karma gives the real browser testing as well as various gadgets like Mobiles and Tablets.

4) Mocha.Js

Mocha provides a very fast, easy to work on platform for its developers. Mocha also provides fast generation of Node.js checking libraries. It is also useful for Unit and Integration testing. It’s A remarkable tool for Behavior Driven Development (BDD). With a browser-based framework. Mocha facilitates developers for creating asynchronous applications in the easiest and most enjoyable way. 

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5) Sublime Text

This is a very popular code editor in the developer’s world.It is easy to write code in this tool. This tool also has Plugin feature. With the Plugin feature one can add functions. This tool helps in writing markup and programs in multiple languages. This tool has an interesting range of features like command palette, simultaneous editing, the Python API (application programming interface), TextMate compatibility, snippets use and auto-completion, the syntax highlighter and many other features.

6) Djangular

This is another tool developers prefer to develop web applications with AngularJS. This tool is helpful for creating content or its process. Content creation as per requirements is feasible. Projects development in combination of Django and Angular. Separate Django integration is not necessary for every project. Apps can use consistent content structure. Apps with Django use are highly secured with CSPF protection facility.

7) Jasmine

Jasmine is another testing framework which works in conjunction with Karma. Apart from behavior-driven development (CDD), it provides test-driven development (TDD) for developers. In case any Javascript classes or any framework are left unmonitored, the program checks, finds and creates alerts about such code.

8) Aptana Studio

With this AngularJS framework, we can create websites much faster. Eclipse is the IDE on which AngularJS framework is based. This is an open source, Free application framework for website creation. It comes with wide documentation for JavaScript, HTML, DOM, and CSS, with code completion, JavaScript testing, error and warning messages features. 

9) Webstorm

This is a premier product and a smart IDE with a built-in Dark module. This Angular development tool provides various Coding, debugging and error-detecting options to the developers. This is Angular live editorial management supporting JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Node.js. Apart from this, it carries a number of pre-installed modules or packages, including GitHub support  and a Dart module.

10) Ment.io

This Angular tool promotes use of Macros and Mentions widgets. It is a parallel solution to JQuery. It supports selected text inputs. Connection to any component is an easy job.


In above all available tool options, one can choose the right one as per the project requirement from developer perspective. Every tool works towards accuracy and speedy results in development of the website.

For testing the right AngularJS resource and skill sets, you can hire the best AngularJS developers from Internet Soft.

Internet Soft is a leading software development company in California, which has over 15 years of experience in website development across various technological platforms and a wide project experience in the niche of AngularJS Development to build apps.

Need assistance or have questions? Reach out us at sales@internetsoft.com.


Abhishek Bhosale

COO, Internet Soft

Abhishek is a dynamic Chief Operations Officer with a proven track record of optimizing business processes and driving operational excellence. With a passion for strategic planning and a keen eye for efficiency, Abhishek has successfully led teams to deliver exceptional results in AI, ML, core Banking and Blockchain projects. His expertise lies in streamlining operations and fostering innovation for sustainable growth

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