Internet Soft - Telemedicine App Solution

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Solution / Telemedicine App Solution

Why Internet Soft Telemedicine Solution?

Introducing the cutting-edge Telemedicine App solution by Internet Soft. It was nothing else but a perfectly developed platform, regarding precision, security, and convenience in operation. It offers a completely seamless way to provide healthcare from a distance. Use of digital technologies readily connects patients and healthcare providers and offers ease of engagement to get consultations, treatment, and after-care through digital ways. We use WebRTC services for tele health to reshape the way healthcare professionals interact with their patients. WebRTC has nudged telemedicine into becoming an integral part of the modern healthcare ecosystem.

Key Features

User Management

It is an essential feature that empowers administrators to efficiently oversee all user accounts, ranging from doctors and patients to staff members. With this feature, administrators can effortlessly create, modify, and remove user profiles, as well as easily assign roles and permissions as needed.

Under this feature, below User types are feasible to create and manage:

  1. Doctor Profile 
  2. Patient Profile 


Provides scheduling appointment management—view, manage, and schedule appointments with unique consultation services. It will help administrators to monitor or track  appointments, cancellations, and rescheduling, and because of this, the telemedicine service will run smoothly. Video appointment schedule feature is unique implemented using WebRTC

Billing and Payment Processing

This feature helps with the administration of billing and payment transactions, including the creation and maintenance of payment plans, processing insurance claims, and tracking patient payments and account balances.

Reporting and Analytics

This important feature gives access to various reports and analytic tools that assist in keeping track of performance or monitoring the performance by facts and data, charts, and figures by a telemedicine service. This may include data on user activity, service usage statistics, financial reports, and other key performance indicators (KPIs).

Communication Tools

The feature includes direct contact communication tools between administrators, health professionals, and patients. Messaging systems, email notifications, alerts, and others assist in making communication quicker and easier. WebRTC offer a convenient and instant bridge between patients and their doctors

Content Management

This is the part of the application that enables the addition and management of content to and within the app, including articles, health tips, and other useful information. This feature allows the administrator to update further and maintain the educational resources for the users.

Compliance and Security Settings

This will ensure the necessity to make the telemedicine app compliant with the regulations and standards applicable in health care. Administrators can set privacy, access, and audit controls on sensitive data to be protected and in line with regulations such as HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act).

Favorite Doctor Appointment Booking

The user can book his regular or required concern specialist or doctor’s appointment by saving a selected list with this feature.Every time user can auto-select the same Doctor for the appointment.

Instant Appointment booking feature

Without any prior request to the concerned doctor, a user can book his appointment directly.

Internal Messaging system

Upon Appointment booking, a doctor and patient can interchange their internal communication regarding the appointment time, date, etc. also regarding the change in the same with this feature.

Advanced Search and Filter option

A user can select from the entire panel list of the doctors for the required one to save time on detail search with this feature.

Doctor’s profile

Every user can find, search, and refer to the Doctor’s detailed profile, his availability, expertise, reviews, and patient feedback for his treatment services in this feature.


Everything is designed, only a few are mastered well, Our script is entirely crafted using the latest technologies.




Lucrative Revenue generating
Factors of Our Telemedicine App Solution

Commission for Booking

A telemedicine solution should allow the admin to make a profit for each and every appointment booking happening on the platform. So, for every booking on the platform, Admin can get a certain commission percentage from it.

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The admin interface is supposed to be user-friendly, thus making the work of administration of the telemedicine service performed efficiently by the administrators themselves without the high tech level. It is also an integral part of the telemedicine app operation, being the liaison among the patient, medical personnel, and the administrative staff.
The admin interface is supposed to be user-friendly, thus making the work of administration of the telemedicine service performed efficiently by the administrators themselves without the high tech level. It is also an integral part of the telemedicine app operation, being the liaison among the patient, medical personnel, and the administrative staff.
The admin interface is supposed to be user-friendly, thus making the work of administration of the telemedicine service performed efficiently by the administrators themselves without the high tech level. It is also an integral part of the telemedicine app operation, being the liaison among the patient, medical personnel, and the administrative staff.
The admin interface is supposed to be user-friendly, thus making the work of administration of the telemedicine service performed efficiently by the administrators themselves without the high tech level. It is also an integral part of the telemedicine app operation, being the liaison among the patient, medical personnel, and the administrative staff.
The admin interface is supposed to be user-friendly, thus making the work of administration of the telemedicine service performed efficiently by the administrators themselves without the high tech level. It is also an integral part of the telemedicine app operation, being the liaison among the patient, medical personnel, and the administrative staff.

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