A Case Study On

Internet Soft – Designing Magento eCommerce Solution for Vaporin

Industry: Retail-Ecommerce     Region: USA

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Client Background

Vaporin is a Florida-based company that specializes in producing discrete and stealthy vaporizers for essential oils. Their innovative technology provides the look, feel, and taste of traditional smoking without the harmful effects of tar, tobacco, ash, smoke, or odor. Vaporin offers a range of vaporizers and e-liquids, positioning themselves as a lifestyle brand for adult smokers seeking a healthier alternative.

Technical Stack

Technology Used

Magento 2, MySQL, HTML/CSS, JS/JQ

Team Size




Project Duration

6 Months

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Vaporin partnered with Internet Soft to migrate their Magento 1 store to Magento 2

Custom functionality and extensions were redeveloped for Magento 2.

Magento 2 offered advanced backend functionality for better management.

The migration optimized the checkout process for faster and user-friendly experience.

The migration positioned Vaporin for business growth in the vaporizer market.

Data migration included products, customers, orders, and configurations.

The migration resulted in improved site speed and reduced TTFB.

A ready-to-use Magento 2 theme was installed for a visually appealing design.

Vaporin benefited from enhanced site performance and improved customer experience.

Successful migration to Magento 2 drove conversion rates and overall success.

Client's Challenge

Vaporin approached Internet Soft, an design company based in San Francisco, to redesign and migrate their existing Magento 1 (M1) eCommerce store to the latest version, Magento 2 (M2). The challenges for Internet Soft included:

Moving store database

Transferring store data, including product information, customer base, orders, and configurations, from M1 to M2 using the official Magento Migration Tool.

Migrating custom-built functionality

Adapting third-party extensions and custom features from M1 to M2, as the architecture of the two platforms differs significantly.

Migrating store theme

Finding or developing a new theme for Vaporin's store that would align with their brand and work seamlessly with M2.

The Process

Transferring Store Data

Internet Soft initiated the migration process by installing a fresh Magento 2 instance on the client's server. Internet Soft then installed and configured the Magento Data Migration Tool, which would facilitate the transfer of essential data.
Using the migration tool, Internet Soft successfully moved all critical data, including store settings, website content, categories, products, customer information, orders, and CMS data. Additionally, media files associated with the products were also transferred.

Moving Custom-Built Functionality

Internet Soft encountered challenges in this stage, as some third-party extensions installed on the client's M1 website lacked the same functionality on M2. They had to redevelop or find suitable replacements for these extensions.
To meet Vaporin's requirements, Internet Soft leveraged the improved functionality of Magento 2 and selected extensions that fulfilled the core needs of the client.

Migrating Store Theme

For the store's visual design, Vaporin opted to purchase a ready-to-use Magento 2 theme developed by Pronto. To ensure a seamless transition and allow the client to preview the theme's effects, Internet Soft installed it on a development site that had no data.

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The migration of Vaporin’s eCommerce store to Magento 2 yielded several positive outcomes:

Improved site speed

The new platform architecture and optimization techniques led to enhanced website performance, resulting in faster loading times.

Better backend functionality

Magento 2 offered more advanced backend features, empowering Vaporin with improved management capabilities for their eCommerce operations.

Reduced TTFB

Time to First Byte (TTFB), which indicates the server's responsiveness, was minimized, providing a smoother browsing experience for users.

Enhanced checkout process

The migration to Magento 2 streamlined the checkout process, making it faster and more user-friendly for customers, leading to improved conversion rates.


Through the collaboration between Vaporin and Internet Soft, the successful migration of the eCommerce store from Magento 1 to Magento 2 enabled Vaporin to leverage the latest features and functionalities of the platform. With improved site performance, better backend management, and an optimized checkout process, Vaporin was well-positioned to enhance the online shopping experience for its customers and drive business growth in the rapidly evolving market of vaporizers and essential oils.


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