NatWest: Internet Banking

NatWest: Internet Banking

NatWest: Internet Banking


NatWest Online is the internet banking platform offered by NatWest, a prominent retail and commercial bank based in the United Kingdom. It serves as a comprehensive digital solution for customers to access and manage their banking services and accounts through the internet. NatWest Online offers a wide array of features and functionalities, empowering customers to conveniently perform various banking tasks from their computer or mobile devices. This online platform enhances accessibility and provides a seamless banking experience for NatWest customers.

Qualified experts

World-class developers, project managers, business analysts, UX/UI designers and more

Years of experience

World-class developers, project managers, business analysts, UX/UI designers and more

Development centers

World-class developers, project managers, business analysts, UX/UI designers and more

Key Features

Extensive Product Range

Enhanced Trading Tools

Effective Risk Management and Insights

Regular Platform Enhancements

Challenges and solution

Integration with Upstream and Downstream System

Our approach involves concurrent development of web and mobile applications, enabling seamless integration and ensuring users and customers can benefit from interconnected systems.

Rollout of Mobile Version to External and Internal Users

We have coordinated the development of mobile and web applications, ensuring a synchronized execution and alignment of functionalities to facilitate a smooth rollout of the mobile version to both external and internal users.

Transition from D3 to ag grid for New Technology Adoption

To embrace new technology, we have implemented an auto-update feature that simplifies the integration of new features and ensures the platform remains up-to-date, taking full advantage of the benefits offered by the transition from D3 to ag grid.

User Adoption and Training for Optimal Feature Utilization

We have designed comprehensive user training programs, providing ongoing support and resources to enhance user adoption. Our goal is to optimize platform utilization, enabling users to effectively leverage the features and maximize the benefits provided by the platform.

Core Features

Multi-Currency Support

Our platform offers robust support for multiple currencies, allowing users to conduct transactions and manage accounts in various currencies efficiently.

Real-Time Market Data

We provide real-time market data to our users, enabling them to make informed trading decisions based on up-to-date information and trends in the market.

Order Customization

Our platform offers extensive order customization options, empowering users to tailor their orders according to their specific requirements and trading strategies.

Trade Execution Tools

We provide advanced trade execution tools that facilitate seamless and efficient execution of trades, ensuring timely and accurate order fulfillment for our users.

How Can We Help?